Equipment donation form

OPEQ - Donner votre équipement - Non-connecter - EN

  • Note: To enter an extension, use only a space. Ex.: 514 555-1212 123
  • Strength indicator
  • 2- Hardware list

  • If you already have an electronic file with the hardware list of equipments for pick-up, you may attach it to the form. Otherwise, entering the quantities of each category in the fields below would assist us greatly (optional). This information enables us to confirm that all the devices are accounted for, thus increasing the security level. Furthermore, you will help the carrier dispatcher assign the proper vehicle and the warehouse plan for the upcoming load. Format PDF or Excel format only Please​.
  • Accepted file types: pdf.
  • ComputersLaptopsTabletsSmartphonesMonitorsPrinters 
    Add a new row
  • Please, give a description and a quantity.
  • 3- Pick-up or Shipping

  • 4- Tax receipts and reports

  • * Amounting to the market value of the reusable equipment only.